The History of Herne Bay Pier
The history of Herne Bay Pier is work in progress and probably always will be. Watch this space for updates.
For many, many years cargo from places such as Newcastle and London landed in bays on the beach at Herne Bay one of them known as the Lower Bay being opposite the Ship Inn presumed to be the oldest existing building in Herne Bay today. People also came from London and then travelled onto Canterbury, Dover and then France. The road to Canterbury also started at the Ship Inn. The ships called “hoys” had to beach on the incoming tide and then sail away on the next. Passengers on passing paddle steamers could be brought to the shore by fisherman. Neither way of disembarking was ideal for the passengers.
By 1830 the town was becoming popular as a bathing resort and it is now that the story of the Herne Bay Piers begins.
