The Helter Skelter is back and the Carousel will be here at Easter!!!! Please be aware that we may have to close the pier at short notice because of winter weather conditions

Traditional Seaside Fun for All the Family!

Clarkie’s Cabin

Raising funds for Cancer research UK.

We have a selection of handmade crafts and donated items that are sold to raise funds for Cancer
Research UK. We made adult and children’s aprons, peg bags, tote bags, bunting, knitted dollies, baby cardigans
and blankets all from recycled materials. We are always open to fresh ideas. We also make seaside themed framed wall pictures and have a wide range of donated bric-a-brac for you to browse.
Please come and say hello and take a look.

Contact information

Clarkie's Cabin will open:~

11.30 am - 4.00 pm at weekends and hopefully everyday in half term

Location: Hut 9


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