The Helter Skelter is back and the Carousel will be here at Easter!!!! Please be aware that we may have to close the pier at short notice because of winter weather conditions

Traditional Seaside Fun for All the Family!

Ice Cream Sundae

Delicious Ices with a vintage vibe!

Part Time position now available at Ice Cream Sundae. If you are 18 years or older and interested please contact: Alison 07786088486 : email [email protected]


Ice Cream Sundae serves a range of traditional soft whippy ice cream along with a selection of locally produced Solley’s ice cream. Ice cream floats, frappes and creamy milkshakes with a retro touch are popular choices along with a selection of coffees, teas and our indulgent hot chocolate.



For a vintage vibe, traditional china is used for our cream teas and hot drinks.



 As a treat choose one of our scrumptious sundaes or hot waffles to sit and eat whilst relaxing and watching the world go by.


Best Ice Cream Shops by the Sea


Contact information

Ice Cream Sundae will be open

7 days a week 10.00 am - 4.00 pm

(with possible variations depending on the weather )


Location: Hut 31


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