The Helter Skelter is back and the Carousel will be here at Easter!!!! Please be aware that we may have to close the pier at short notice because of winter weather conditions

Traditional Seaside Fun for All the Family!

Memorial Plaques on Herne Bay Pier

Terms & conditions

  • All plaques are 250mm by 90mm.
  • The Pier is open on most days unless bad weather or essential maintenance causes a temporary closure. Normal opening times are shown on the Trust’s website.
  • The Trust reserves the right to refuse any wording that they feel is inappropriate.
  • A plaque is given with any non-returnable donation of £130 or over which needs to be received before the Trust will order the plaque to be printed. This payment may be made by cash, cheque or preferably by bank transfer
  • Bank: HSBC | Account Name: Herne Bay Pier Trust | Sort Code: 40-24-12 | Account No: 01450964 – please reference your payment with Surname-Plaque
  • Please allow four weeks between the design being agreed and the plaque being in position.
  • Donors may take out Silver Membership of the Trust at £15 per year which will then include the replacement costs of the plaque if it is damaged by others, if it is stolen or if it becomes illegible due to natural ageing but only if the Membership fees are up to date. The annual membership payment must be made by standing order. The silver membership includes annual pier membership of £10 and £5 insurance per plaque to cover damage theft ware and tear
  • If maintenance payments are not up to date and the plaque is damaged and/or becomes illegible the Trust reserves the right to remove the plaque.
  • Flowers or any other items may not be attached to the railings or placed anywhere else on the Pier.
  • The Donor may keep the plaque clean but should only use a diluted mild detergent so as not to discolour the plaque or contaminate the sea.
  • The plaque remains the property of the Trust and the Donor may not remove it without written permission from the Trust.
  • The Trust reserves the right to reposition the plaque and will notify the Donor of the new position as soon as is practicable.
  • The Donor may not replace their plaque with any other.
  • The Trust can only guarantee the replacement of the plaque whilst the Pier is Operated by the Trust.

Download the PDF Application Form

Download and complete the PDF form by clicking on the icon below.  Then send the completed form, together with any remittance to:

Please send your application to Herne Bay Pier Trust, C/O 77 St Swithin’s Rd, Whitstable CT5 2HZ or scan & email to [email protected]