Welcome back to One Step Behind – The Masters of Madness
One Step Behind tribute band are Europe’s biggest tribute to Madness. The band have been established since 1993
One Step Behind is the UK’s Premier and longest surviving MADNESS tribute band. Formed in spring 1993, the band achieved widespread recognition in an unusually short time, playing venues the length and breadth of Britain including the Marquee Club in London & the Venue in New Cross. Jaunts into Europe and beyond are also common place. Members of Madness have joined the One Step boys on stage on a number of occasions. Sax player Lee Thompson has played a few times commenting the band were “Tight as a ducks arse” and “Brilliant”. Lee is also quoted as saying that OSB were “single handily keeping the good ship Madness afloat”. Drummer Dan “Woody” Woodgate joined the band on stage for “One Step Beyond” and told the boys he thought they were amazing. “That’s exactly what we used to be like – you’ve got it to a tee!” he said. Fine praise indeed! And he could not believe the keyboard playing used no overdubs and was all being played live! Perhaps the greatest tribute came from Suggs himself. At a gig at G-MEX in Manchester walked up to the microphone and said “By the way, we’re MADNESS not One Step Behind!!” The subsequent review in the Melody Maker bared the headline “One Step Behind”. Fine praise indeed!
Each member of One Step Behind grew up as a Madness fan and perfecting his portrayal of his original Madness counterpart has been a labour of love. They strive to match every detail of the original, both musically and in appearance. Like Madness, One Step Behind is well known for their on-stage antics with which they build up an authentic ‘Nutty’ atmosphere. This is One Step Behind’s philosophy – to carry forward the mad mantle into the 21st Century and beyond.
Beer on the Pier, Bar 19 and the Food Huts will be open
(Only food and drink purchased from the above outlets allowed)
Remember this is an outside venue and the evenings can be chilly so do come prepared.
Herne Bay Pier Trust
The Pier Office
Central Parade
Herne Bay
Charity number: 1128253
Company number: 06659140
Website by Grass Media Web Design, Herne Bay