The Helter Skelter is back and the Carousel will be here at Easter!!!! Please be aware that we may have to close the pier at short notice because of winter weather conditions

Traditional Seaside Fun for All the Family!

Unsolicited Email

We are aware that an unsolicited email purporting to be from Herne Bay Pier Trust using an address of  ‘[email protected]’  has been sent to many of our members and tenants inviting them to a public meeting on Tuesday 5th March.  We want to assure you that this meeting has not been organised by Herne Bay Pier Trust and we are doing everything we can to track down those responsible and that we have reported the incident to all relevant authorities.

We have been advised by the ICO (Information Commissioner’s Office) to tell you to report this email as scam and then block it. You can get further details by clicking on this link.

You may also want to send an email to [email protected]

If you have any questions or have any information which you feel will help us please contact us on [email protected]

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